Night Night, Roger Roger
by Roni Ragone
Auditions will be on Monday, March 3 and Wednedsay, March 5 at 6:30, at the theatre (711 Story Street in Boone).
Audition on either of those dates. If you cannot make either of those dates but would like to audition, please contact us to arrange another time.
Preparation Information:
We will be reading selections from the script.
Since cold reading doesn't always show an actor's capability, we also encourage you to select a monologue from this list, prepare it, and perform it as part of the audition.
Memorizing it is helpful but not required.
Characters: (parts for adults and youth age 8 and up)
List of character descriptions and requirements
As audition dates for our productions are determined, they will appear on this page.
The best way to be informed about upcoming auditions is to sign up for our email list,
or like us on Facebook.